Friday, December 3, 2010

got my nose to the grindstone

I'm still here, just got really involved customer quilting the last few days.  Today I've already been to water aerobics.  I have an appointment with Life South to donate least I hope so.  Last time I tried to donate my count was low and I gave whole blood instead.  Yesterday I ran in so they could draw some blood to see if I my platelette count was up so I can donate today.  Haven't heard back from them yet, I was told that the test takes a day to come back.  So I can't really plan on much this morning.  This afternoon I have another quilt to do, and then I hope that after Zumba tomorrow I can get my Morning Frost top quilted.  It would be nice to sit and bind it on Sunday while watching football.  We'll see how things actually go.

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